
Competition Rules

Page history last edited by Clockwise 15 years, 11 months ago

Rules for the PTC American Idol Competition


There will be two competitions: the first will be an American Idol fantasy draft and the second will be points based.


1. The Fantasy Draft


A fantasy draft will be held after the final 36 contestants have been announced.  Each person participating will draw a number which will determine the draft order.  The draft order will go like this: Round 1 - 1,2,3,4.  Round 2 - 4,3,2,1.  Round 3 - 4,3,2,1.  Each person will get to draft one AI contestant per round, and no contestant may be used more than once.  Once all the contestants have been drafted, the moderator will arrange a chart so that the contestants' progress can be tracked over the course of the season.  No trading is allowed.  The winner of this competition will be the person who drafted this year's American Idol.



2. "Who's Getting Kicked Off?" Game


In addition to the Fantasy Draft there will be a weekly competition to see who can guess which contestants will be in the bottom group and who will get kicked off.  Each week after the performance episode, participants will be asked to give their guess as to who will be in the bottom group and of that group who will be eliminated.  The winner of this competition will be the person with the most points at the end of the season.


Here's how the guesses will be made and the points awarded:


Top 12-Top 6 weeks: Guess the contestants who will be in the bottom 3 and of those three, which one will be kicked off.  One point for each correct guess for the bottom 3, two points for correctly guessing who gets kicked off.  For a possible total of 5 points each week.


Top 5-Top 4 weeks: Guess the contestants who will be in the bottom 2 and of those two, which one will be kicked off.  One point for each correct guess for the bottom 2, two points for correctly guessing who gets kicked off.  For a possible total of 4 points each week.


Top 3-Finale weeks: Guess which contestant will be kicked off.  Two points for a correct guess, for a possible total of 2 points each week.


New for 2009: Starting with the Top 10 week, you will be allowed to submit a guess for who will win American Idol.  If you make your guess before then Top 10 results show, you'll earn 10 bonus points at the end of the game (assuming your guess is correct).  If you wait until the next week (Top 9) you'll earn 9 points and so on, until the week of the Top 3 when you'll earn only 3 bonus points.  Once you make your guess it is locked in - you cannot change it.


Note: This schedule is based on the way eliminations have been handled on the show in previous years.  If they decide to change something this year, I guess we'll wing it!


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